Odor Removal

We can Remove Odors Trapped Deep Within Your Carpet Using our Special Purpose Deodorizer

We all love our pets but occasionally they have accidents. When these problems are not addressed quickly, you can end up with unpleasant odors that are difficult to remove. That’s when you need an odor removal expert. Doug Mueller’s has the know-how and professional products to remove complex odor problems at their source. We clean anything from a small top of the carpet accident to a complete carpet lifting, pad removal, sub-floor sealing, tack-strip replacement, new pad installation, carpet cleaning and reinstalling; but of course something that large isn’t necessary for a Chihuahua spot. As long as there is no continuing contamination from a pet or other source, we can guarantee permanent removal. This may require several steps to attain but it’s usually is worth the investment, given the alternative of complete carpet replacement, and even a full replacement might not remove the odor if the substrate isn’t properly treated.